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I like #puzzle games (#Picross ftw!), #Metroidvania's and weird music.

captain #Game Talk

Chat BZL, Game, GMS2, Making, MapleStory2, Redesign


Hey all! How're you doing? Long time no chat. Been super busy and sadly haven't had much time to comment, but it's been great seeing all the art and game pics. I just wanted to share an update on that BZL redesign I mentioned awhile back. In the end, I went with a more simplified design, and am going to be focusing on making it more mobile friendly. Please disregard the domain, it's just a test site I use for development. Depending on feedback I would like to roll this out to BZL soon and MapleStory2 too. On the GMS2 note - how many of you are going to be testing? I haven't gotten accepted yet! :3 Be well, speak soon.

Console Deluxe, Game, Handheld, MarioKart, Multiplayer, Nintendo, Rpg


How exciting, the Nintendo Switch is coming out March 3rd for $300 USD! Included: * main console * 2x controllers (Left and Right) - Nintendo calls them a "Joy Con" * Joy-Con grip (to which two Joy-Con are attached and used as one controller) * a set of Joy-Con wrist straps * a Nintendo Switch dock (which holds the main console and connects it to a TV) * an HDMI cable and an AC adapter It's pretty cool that it can be charged via USB-C, but 3-6 hours of gameplay isn't a ton. Though I'm sure you could plug it in anywhere. Who else is pumped?

Anime Helloim, , Game, Games, Goes


#helloim captain! I started as a way for my fellow in-game buddies and I to keep in touch if/when they / I moved on from whatever game I was into at the moment. You know how it goes - you get to know someone really well while grinding endless weeks to hit your goals or working together with others on a strategy to take down a boss, and then RL happens and you lose touch. This is a place where you can talk about games, anime, and the like. Get your friends on board so you can keep in touch and even make new friends as you find other cool games / things to watch. I'm working on some cool features so stick around.

PS4 JRPG, , VideoGames, AkihikoYoshida, Automata, Composer, Game


When Square Enix makes a game they go big. And the cast behind the upcoming Nier Automata is no exception. Produced by Yosuke Saito from Dragon Quest X, character design by Akihiko Yoshida from FF XIV, Bravely Second, Little Noah, game design by Takahisa Taura of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance fame and Tekken, Drakengard composer Keiichi Okabe, the list goes on. This game looks like an incredibly fresh RPG. It's great to see something really unique in terms of the world and environment. This game looks like some weird hybrid between futuristic Final Fantasy, Mad Max, Blade Runner and beyond. Check out this incredibly vibey boss battle video from E3 2016.

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